Monday, December 20, 2010

A Beautiful Lesson Learned

Dear Abby,

I just wanted to pop in and leave you a little note. I finally asked your Uncle why he doesn't want to hold you. He said he's afraid he might cry because it breaks his heart that you cannot see. He loves you so very much and wants you to have everything in life. He is one of my best friends and I can tell he loves you dearly. Hopefully, one day you'll be able to show him that you will have everything you want in life. You are a beautiful baby, and through your disability, you'll become a beautiful woman. One day, if you so choose, you'll make an outstanding wife to a very lucky man and your children will have the best mother in the world.

Today, Papa Scott and Nana Cindy came by and did Christmas with us. They got you a darling little blanket with all sorts of fun things on it. But, it was wrapped in a shoe box covered in tissue paper. We all watched you smile in delight as you played with the tissue paper, loving the music it made. You hit the box and enjoyed it's drum like sounds. You taught me tonight that Christmas isn't about gifts but the JOY we find in them and giving them. Thank you for a beautiful lesson learned dear daughter.

I love you! And sleep tight!

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